Hello I’m Yoojin! Nice to (virtually) meet you.
I am an aspiring user experience designer fostering meaningful exchanges between people and digital products, specializing in visual design, UX, and interaction design.

I was born and raised in South Korea, and moved to New York in 2019 alone with the dream of becoming a graphic designer. However, as I pursue my career path, I found user experience design is all about my interests, my passions and what intrinsically, genuinely motivates me.

Ever since I was little, I was full of curiosity. I was always asking “Why?” until I get it and until making my family get sick of me. Now questions are the fuel for my creative 🔥. I tend to see everything through the lens of possibilities and progress, problems and solutions. I feel the most myself when I’m using my intellectual and creative powers to solve problems and dream up new and improved ways of doing things. My attention is largely focused on the world around me, and
I am constantly listening and observing to extract creative, beautiful, yet functional solutions and be a more empathetic designer.

Beside my passion for design, I love sports. I figure skated for 7+ years, I box and do jiu-jitsu. I also enjoy watching baseball, basketball and soccer games and sportsmanship is a big inspiration for me.

I am always down to have a virtual coffee or tea. Let’s talk!
Thank you for
checking out!

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